Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Cove

Justin and I really enjoy watching documentary films. Tonight we watched the movie, The Cove--a movie shining light on the travesty that is dolphin capture and slaughter. After viewing the film, we are saddened--and to say it mildly, feel much differently about our experience in Grand Caymen where we were able to swim and interact with one of these beautiful creatures. We absolutely recommend you check this out--it might change the way you feel, too.

Here is a website about what's happening in a cove in Japan:
And a site about the movie:


C, L, and E said...

if you ever see a special about blue whales on National Geographic - check it out. It is amazing. so sad that sea creatures (and other creatures) are killed for sport when they are endangered. thanks for an update. how is the new job?