It's been awhile since I've updated the Evoy family blog--so I thought I'd fill you all in on what's been going on :) We just got home from a walk in the local metropark--it was 35 degrees so we had to take advantage of the heat wave!
Justin got a Dave Ramsey book for Christmas and as a result we've been busy revamping our budget in order to eliminate debt. We have been kicking around the idea of taking a break from cable tv and have decided that we are going to take a hiatus from it until at least June. So, you ask--what will you guys do in the meantime?
Puzzles!! We got a 1,000 piece puzzle to work on--our goal is to finish it before our baby arrives
If you don't make your goal of getting the puzzle together before the baby comes, you HAVE to have it put together before we come this Summer. If you don't, Rayna will climb on your table and eat it for snack. :-)
We took a break from cable and LOVE it! We have so much more time now! ;) We didn't have cable for the first few years we were married and somewhat regret getting it. Your puzzle looks like fun! When Chris isn't working on his thesis we love playing games and reading!
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