Friday, June 12, 2009

North Carolina Picture Update

Last month I made a trip to North Carolina to visit some of my loved ones, while Justin was celebrating the upcoming wedding of a close friend. Here are some pictures from the trip. I am sorry that I didn't get more pictures...some friends and events are missing from these pictures.

I was happy to have some time to visit with Laura, Court and their BEAUTIFUL baby, Emalyn. I miss the LaLone family...friends I've had since high school! Here is a picture of Melissa-my best friend (and one of the sweetest people I've ever known) and her precious baby girl, Molly Grace! Looking forward to them (and Brian!) coming to visit us in Ohio next month :) I had the priviledge of visiting my old school before the year ended. I told my kindergarteners that I'd do my best to come visit them before they were first graders--and I am so glad that I did! I was amazed at how much they had grown, both academically as well as physically...they seemed SO BIG! This is a picture of one little boy that will forever hold a special place in my heart.