Friday, June 12, 2009

On a roll

While Justin is napping...I figured that I may as well post a few more pictures. You know I want to keep Melissa, I mean all of you who follow our blog happy :)

Turns out, Cleveland isn't so bad afterall! I think I could be anywhere with Justin and I'd be happy :) We have enjoyed staying home the past few weekends as it is giving us a chance to explore our new city. Here is a picture of my sweet husband a couple of weeks ago when we were at the Rib Festival downtown Cleveland. We had a great time walking around and tasting some delicious ribs and some fresh squeezed lemonade, bring on SUMMER!! My best friend from college, Tara, and her husband Jayson came down to Cleveland for a visit. We had a great time. This picture was taken downtown before an Indians game.

We see deer daily around our apartment. In fact, when the sun begins to set I start to get nervous...I begin watching for deer as we make our way home from the lake. Many times deer have run out in front of us within 20 or so feet! This is a picture Justin snapped right outside our back door!


Jill said...

Melissa's not the only one stalking your blog!

Love the updates!