Thursday, July 23, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with President Obama

Many of you know that I have seen Barack Obama speak before, while he was campaigning in South Carolina. That was awesome, but that was before he was our President. Today I had the unbelievable previledge to attend a town hall meeting with our President, Barack Obama.

I heard on NPR that he would be in the same town I work in at the local high school to speak with people about the proposed healthcare reform. I applied online through the White House website--knowing I had a TINY chance of being choosen through lottery. And what do you know? I was selected! Justin wasn't able to come with me because, of all things we had a plumber scheduled and furniture to be dropped off. I scored 2 tickets so I asked my friend Dawn at school--I was in her office when I applied (she pulled up the site for me).

We got to the high school and it was pouring outside, but honestly, it didn't make a bit of difference. It's once in a lifetime someone gets to see a President and we were just thrilled to be there :) Once inside, we went through airport-like security--except it was the secret service doing the screening. We were seated beside the stage in the second row--literally 20 feet away from the stage! There was so much excitement inside the auditorium...choir members singing, bands playing, secret servicemen stone-facing everyone and other staff members making sure everything was perfect and ready for his arrival. When Mr. Obama arrived he was very relaxed and spoke in a way that common people could understand. He called on audience members himself--it truly was like a town hall meeting. It felt very intimate. After the meeting was finished we went outside and found that the road we parked on had been closed off--we waited awhile and then got the see the President's motorcade leave. It was a complete honor to be there today--an experience I will never forget.

Dawn and I waiting in the pouring rain--still smiling :)

President Obama during his speech above and taking questions from the public below


Jill said...

How cool! I can't wait to see pictures!

Btw, can you e-mail me your address? I have something I want to mail you but can't find your address! Thanks!

Anna said...

What a cool experience...i'm thinking maybe I should become part of the secret service since I can stone face with the best of em!! ;)

The Hines Family said...

Very exciting! :-)

Mom & Dad Evoy said...

Tara, what an incredible opportunity! You'll have to tell us all about it this weekend. Love, MOM & DAD Evoy

C, L, and E said...

Wow, this is amazing!